A science and lesson study conference. Sponsored by OCM BOCES and Syracuse University School of Education.
March 18, 2019
Homer Junior HighSchool
Homer, NY
Please direct event questions to jhehl@ocmboces.org
This conference will have a dual focus on the NYS P-12 Science Learning Standards (NYSSLS) and the professional development practice of lesson study (collaborative process for planning, analyzing, and continuously improving instructional practices). This conference will include two keynotes by internationally recognized scholars in science education and lesson study and two live lesson study research lessons.
Select a name to learn more.
In this March 19th lesson study, participants will learn about lesson study from Dr. Akihiko Takahashi. Participants will learn the components of lesson study (studying, planning, teaching, and reflecting) and how these components can be used to continuously improve instruction. Dr. Takahashi will share his experience from participating and supporting lesson study all over the world.