The OCM BOCES Center for Innovative Science Education supports educators in providing cohesive and authentic K-12 science learning experiences that allow students to understand and develop curiosity about the natural world and the connection between science and their life, while also developing students ability to think critically, solve problems, communicate, collaborate, and cognitively engage in the practices of science.
The New York State P-12 Learning Standards were adopted at the December 2016 Board of Regents (BOR) meeting. These standards will become effective beginning July 2, 1017. However, the phase in will be over several years. The December BOR item identifies three phases. The June BOR item identified a potential schedule. Please note the June timeline represents the earliest possible change in assessment.
The Science Leadership Network consists of regional district, building and teacher leaders. This group meets several times a year to engage in professional inquiry with the goal of continuous collaborative improvement of K-12 science learning in the the region. This year the group is focused on preparing for the upcoming New York State Science Learning Standards by studying A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas (NRC, 2012).
Our Science Kits provide teachers with the sequential lessons and materials needed to engage students, promote a positive attitude. Our science units develop inquiry and problem solving skills, as well as learn developmentally appropriate science content.
For questions, changes, or additions, please contact the Science Center at 315-433-2671 or email
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